ShareFSSPX Morningstar Priory Eguelshardt, France Address: 112, route forestière du Hanau 57230 EguelshardtPrès de Bitche Mass Sunday and Holidays7:30 a.m.10:00 a.m. Mass during the weekSchool period: 7:15 a.m.School holidays: find out more +33 3 87 06 53 Prior: Abbé Louis-Edouard Meugniot Abbé Timothée de Bonnafos Abbé Pierre-Jean Moisan Abbé…
ShareFSSPX Illiers-l’Evêque, France Address: 2, rue de l’Orée du Bois 27770 Illiers-l’Evêque Mass Sunday and Holidays10:30 a.m. only Mass during the week7:15 a.m. (usually) and 11 a.m.July August7:45 a.m. (usually) and 11 a.m. +33 2 37 62 81 00 (Heures de bureau) Chaplain: Abbé Pierre Buron Link: